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Life throws a lot of learning our way...

And I've only experienced a small taste of all this life has to offer. However, I strive to seize each moment and love the learning within it.


This is certainly a work in progress, but I have a God who makes the learning possible. He wants each of us to learn to delight in the learning and the renewed understanding it brings.


God uses my daily circumstances to bring me closer to Him, so let me share a few pertinent details. Each day I have the opportunity to teach math to 10th graders - I learn as much, if not more, than they do. He has also gifted me with a loving, devoted husband as of March 19, 2016. We currently live in Opelika, AL, and we are both originally from small towns in north Alabama.


If you have read this far, thank you! Writing helps me process what God is teaching me in each circumstance, and I am thankful to share this with you.

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