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The Unknown

What thoughts ran through the disciples' heads on the day of the crucifixion of Jesus? Although Jesus tried to prepare them beforehand, they were still confused and afraid. Many fled in fright. They did not understand this development in the life of Jesus. It did not reconcile with all they had pictured of their future lives walking with Jesus and performing even greater miracles. While Jesus assured them that He had to leave so that the Holy Spirit could be released, they could not conceive of something even better than walking with Jesus daily. This new possibility was mysterious and unknown to them. They were much more comfortable with their current relationship with Jesus, but He wanted to give them something better. In fact, our loving Creator always wants to give us something better. I love how Graham Cooke refers to these moments as opportunities for an upgrade. However, they often don't appear as we would expect, and they usually require us venturing into unknown territory. That part scares a lot of us. I know I am often scared of the unknown. I also know this fear displays my lack of trust in God. He desires to build a relationship with me and unveil His beautiful mysteries to me. He wants me to wade into the deep waters of His Spirit and release control. The unknown is where I truly find Him. As a child, I became terrified of dark or deep water. I suddenly developed this irrational fear around age ten, and my parents would have to sing me hymns until I fell asleep. After a few weeks the fears subsided, but I still have dreams fifteen years later involving dark water and something lurking in the depths. Although these dreams don't scare me at this age, I decided to ask God why I was still being plagued by these dreams. Why did this fear stick with me, if only in my sleep? His answer seemed obvious although the solution had eluded me all these years. I simply had to ask, and He told me I was scared of the unknown. My fear was hindering me from taking a leap of faith and plunging into the river of His love. How ironic that Jesus compared the Spirit to a never ending supply of water, and my nightmares contorted that beautiful stream into something dingy and scary. With His help, I refuse to settle for less than the abundant, fully flowing, life-giving waters of my Father and His Spirit. I will trust that He will supply His ceaseless grace as I learn how to give over full control and yield to the Spirit. Hand in hand with Him, I will wade into the unknown with an expectant heart.

"What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" - the things God has prepared for those who love Him - these are the things God has revealed to us by His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.

1 Corinthians 2:9-10

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