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Small Things

A new day begins, and my thoughts start whirring. I gain sweet glimpses of His love. Crisp air. Stars in the sky. Whispered conversations with Daddy. Puppy kisses. Husband snuggles. Hot coffee and a warm blanket.

Mornings of warmth and simple treasures. My Daddy speaks to me, calms my heart, and fills me with peace for the day. Anxiety rears its ugly head, but my Daddy is greater. He is my Provider and in Him I am complete. I am thankful for His love and ever present shelter from the world's anxieties.

A car ride filled with song and prayer. He gives me patience in the commute and hope for what lies ahead. I'm reminded of the unrelenting nature of His faithfulness and the purpose He has given me. He sparks in me creativity for the day's events.

School time. He fills my classroom with praise. He gives me prayers for students, teachers, and administrators. He showers me with grace upon grace as I experience failure and victory. Students experience success, loss of loved ones, laughter, tears, and community. And yes, some are even bored. He helps me see beyond the physical. I get to make a kingdom impact on these young ones, whether or not I see immediate effects. He lovingly reminds me to rest and give it all to Him. My efforts are not greater than His plan. He is all-encompassing.

Heading home to my loving husband and pup. Home-cooked meals, honest conversations, late night strolls, warm showers, a good book, and grateful prayers. Sweet sleep with a verse on my heart.

"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1

Big and small, these are some of the blessings He pours out each day. He teaches me more about Him and renews my thinking. He is so loving towards me. I am overwhelmed by His goodness, especially when I see how He pursues me despite my failures and wanderings. I fail and I fail, but He doesn't see me that way. He lavishes His love on me and teaches me about how He thinks about me - how He thinks about us. He is good, and all good things are from Him. He is for us. His eyes are on us, and He desires to be closer to us.

Thank You, Lord, for Your good gifts, Your grace, and Your love.

"It is good to praise the Lord and make music to Your name, O Most High, proclaiming Your love in the morning and Your faithfulness at night... For You make me glad by Your deeds, Lord; I sing for joy at what Your hands have done." Psalms 92: 2-4

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