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Wind and Waves

I shouldn't be surprised.

When I look to my Daddy, I can walk on water. The atmosphere and my thoughts become sunny and bright. I am not stilted by my circumstances or the natural rules of the world.

When my circumstances begin consuming my mind and stealing my focus, my feet sink and the depths loom closer. My eyes flutter from my Father's faithful face to the waves quickly approaching me. I am engulfed by the world's way of thinking and my joy and peace become a faint glimmer.

I shouldn't be surprised by these consequences. As with Peter, I have a choice to make. I decide where I direct my focus. I can look to my loving Abba or the swirling storm. Each new circumstance I encounter will involve the same choice.

Storms come and go. Granted, I do believe part of our walk is effected by the positive expectancy that we cultivate. As I have learned to believe in the good plans He has for me, I have seen more divine provision and miraculous circumstances. I have become more joyful with less anxiety. Most days are "good" days. That being said, the stormy days and seasons build character. My Father has so many good plans for me, and He uses every circumstance to mold me and prepare me for what is ahead. During these storms, my focus will dictate my outcome.

When I do fail and the waves come crashing, I can hear the loving words of Jesus to Peter. "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" I don't believe these words were said out of callous frustration. I believe these words came from a Father kindly reminding His son that there is nothing to fear. There is no reason to doubt Him or His provision.

We are children of the Maker of the wind and the waves.

Through Jesus, we have the power to walk on water in each situation we encounter. And if we fail, He is close by to catch us. As with Peter, He will extend a loving hand. He will brush us off and encourage us to keep going. What a good Father. Let's set our eyes on Him.

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